Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Training Hard

    I stepped up my running today. I have been stuck at four miles and that is not going to cut it. Today I went five and a half miles. The route was not an easy one either. There are some big hills around here. When I say big, I mean big for running up. It was also really windy today. Try running up a half mile long hill into a stiff breeze while running a mile and a half farther than you have in a long time. Its not a picnic. I think I am about half way to being in shape. I have a lot of time to think while I am out running, so I came up with a pretty exact definition of how in shape I want to be. Here it goes. I want to be able to run six miles without any drama. I want to be able to run eight or ten miles without too much trouble if the mood takes me. And I want to be able to kick some cuss in a 5K. I mean seriously haul. Like sub-twenties. To do that I need to start running more than once every three days. I have gone 9.5 miles in the past two days, so that is good. I am going to try and find a race to get into this spring for a little extra motivation.

    It must be a sporty type of day. I just thought of another article I saw last week that made me stop and wonder. The article was about the Yoga World Championships. Doesn't that seem a little counter-intuitive? Isn't yoga about peace and all that horse-hockey? I don't know, I just thought that was worth sharing.

Check this out. And I hear that the "get the curves you deserve" ad is even better when you go to the site. ;)

"The Cliffs of Insanity!"

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