Thursday, March 29, 2012

Constant Gaming

    Sony has a new marketing campaign out for a handheld gaming device that can sync with the console connected to your television and allow for non-stop gaming when you are required to leave the house. I think this is ridiculous. The ad uses the example of having to go to work, but you want to keep playing. It shows a grown man playing a baseball game, then switching to his handheld and continuing playing as he makes his way to work. I have a few issues with this scenario. First: people who play sports games are not the types who can't walk away when they have something of actual importance to do. Second: people need to be playing a game as much as they possibly can play games like Warcraft, not baseball games. Third: people who are addicted to gaming don't have apartments, they live in their grandmother's basement and have dark blankets covering the windows so that they don't know whether it is day or night let alone what time it is. Fourth: People addicted to gaming don't have jobs to go to, so this new device is pointless.
    I have heard that Sony and Microsoft are planning new systems to be released as early as the end of this year. Or was it the end of 2013...I wasn't reading all that closely. One feature of Sony's new system is that it will restrict the playability of used games. Spell check is telling me playability is not a real word. Spell check is going to have to just deal with it. Anyway, this rumor has many people up in arms, because it is basically a company being overtly greedy. Consumers don't like that. I personally prefer the corporate greed of the producers of my goods to be completely under the radar. Luckily for me, I am far from exhausting the playability of the single five dollar game I own.

"I would as soon destroy a stained glass window as an artist such as yourself, but since I can't have you following me..."


  1. My favorite part of this post is when you take spell check to task. Don't back down. Btdubs, why don't you have Forza?

  2. Because 4 is still like 60 bucks and 3 is like 40 and outdated.
