Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Rare Mis Step

    Why would I pick Syracuse to win this game? What was I thinking? I will tell you what I was thinking: nothing. I picked my bracket so fast that most likely it didn't even register what I was doing. I mean it is not a done deal that Ohio State will win, but that is what I want to happen. Ohio State is one of the only teams I actually follow, so of course I want them to do well. One more in a series of boneheaded moves I suppose (though I can't think of any other boneheaded moves I have made recently, unless you count smoking a cigar while fighting a nagging cough.) I think I was thinking that they have not been playing as well this year, but they have had streaks of greatness and are still one of the best teams in the country. The worst case scenario is that I don't win a ginormous chocolate bunny. So Ohio State wins and I lose points in the pool, or Ohio State loses and I am one step closer to break-outs and stomach aches. Its a lose-lose.

I vacuumed today.

This is for Katelyn. She watched this video so many times that now she extends her h's when she talks. I couldn't find any better quality examples. Sorry.


  1. lolz I'm so hhhappy you posted this. It's been too long since I've watched it. It's a superb commercial and everyone should see it. Now that you've posted it on your supremely popular blog, everyone will see it. You've done your country a great service.
