Friday, March 2, 2012

Severe Weather

   I have not seen any today. Does it bother anyone else that a tornado can kill five people and make national headlines, yet hundreds of people die from lack of sustenance every day and there is not a single mention of it other than in blanket statements of how bad things are? A single dramatic death trumps hundreds of inconspicuous deaths. One of my co-workers made a good point this afternoon. How much time and money was spent (is still being spent) to put out weather alerts every five minutes? Yet people are going hungry in this very city. Imagine how many people would be living a little better if that energy was reappropriated? You can look outside and see that the weather is bad, it is much harder to feed yourself.
   And what was the point of all these warning anyway? It was just rain here! You would have thought the apocalypse was upon us from the way these fools talk. It is media sensationalism at its finest, exploiting something as mundane as the weather. I am not saying the weather can't be dangerous, but use some common sense and you will be fine. Just because the last storm had some severe elements does not mean that the next one will be the storm of the century. The moral of the story is clear. Never leave your home, otherwise you will die.
    One thing that really did upset me about the weather was the fact that it brought into sharp focus the fact that my truck leaks. It was raining inside my vehicle. I need to get that fixed. Or switch cars soon. Prolly both really. Inside rain is never a good thing. It is a pretty cool name for a band though. I literally just got the best idea ever. I am going to start putting band names I think of at the bottom of my posts. This post will have two, since I thought of a good one a few days ago, but didn't have this perfect distribution method. If I find anyone starts using any of my solid gold suggestions, a healthy kick-back will be appreciated.

Inside Rain
Massive Kerosene Fireball

"Quotation is a serviceable substitution for wit"

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