Conference calls can be boring. I have been on this one for over fifty minutes and I have said one thing. Not that I care. I will gladly get paid for an hour of work to confirm a date. Maybe I should pay a little more attention. It is pretty easy to tell when the things being discussed pertain to you. I just hope no one at work reads my blog and notices that I am writing this during the call. Someday I will be important and have things to say. Or I will have something else important and work related to do when I am not needed on the call. I do get to wear a super cool hands free headset. Livin' the dream.
It is worth mentioning (in my mind) that the guy conducting the call is Canadian and I almost burst out laughing every time he says aboot. Hahahahaha Canadians.
"You are only as tall as your shoes make you."
ha ha. don't get fired.