Thursday, March 22, 2012

Silver Lining

    I have had a nagging cough for the past few days. It is really annoying. It seems to really act up every night when I am trying to go to sleep. It sucks a lot. But on the bright side my abs have been getting a constant workout. A little definition is worth sounding like I am on a direct path to my death. I still hope it goes away soon. I do core exercises regularly anyway. Ugh, terrible.

    I love Chinese food. Everything about it is good. I love how they fry everything. I love that salt is the main ingredient. I love that they stuff the boxes of rice so full that you can barely even open them. I seriously filled a bowl that was twice the size of the box full of rice and the box was almost half empty. It’s a Chinese food miracle. The only way that this stuff could be any better is if they used cheese. Now that I think about it though, that might not be so good. I feel like Chinese cheese would be on the funky side.

    It is too hot for March. I don’t like feeling gross sitting with the door to the deck open and a fan on. Its just wrong. Toledo experienced a record high by eight degrees Tuesday. The low of 60 was higher than the average high for this time of year. I am not saying want it to snow or anything, just be springy for a spell. Or they could open the beach at the reservoir. That would make it better. Except for that fact that only about 1% of the population of Springfield is attractive. Maybe some snow would be nice.

“I feel about as useless as a mom’s college degree.”

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