Friday, April 20, 2012

May 4th

    I can literally not wait until May 4th. If I had known a while back how desperate I was going to be to get to that date, I would have taken a serious look into time travel (it is too late now and going back in time would be counterproductive). The Avengers opens wide that day if any of you didn't know. This is going to be the most fantastic movie experience of your life if you choose to participate. To satiate my hunger for Avengeful moving pictures, and to ease the pain of waiting, I like to go on the movie's website and watch all of the trailers and TV spots. Over and over. I especially like "Head Count." I am especially amped now that I have realized the film was written by Joss Whedon. Never heard of him? My sister is familiar with his work. She recently watched all of the episodes of Firefly, which he also wrote and created. I think this is interesting, because I recently saw a commercial for the Avengers that was the guy who plays Rick Castle and Robert Downey Jr. talking about the movie. Castle is also the main character on Firefly. At least that actor plays both roles. You know what I mean. I could just look up the actors name and make things easier for everyone, but that is not how I roll.
    I feel I have to point out a sad fact about my little vacation Tuesday. Going back to Oxford made me very sad. I love that place in the spring. I saw more people I would deem to be quite attractive in the first five minutes I was in town than I have in three months in Springfield. There has got to be other places out there where beautiful people congregate. A place that is somewhat connected to the real world perhaps. Oxford is not the real world and maybe that is the problem.

"We've got a hulk."

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