Monday, April 2, 2012


There might be hope yet for this town. Sunday morning I saw not one, but two fit ladies out running. The downside to this ray of light in a dark place is that they were numbers one and two all time. Gotta start somewhere I suppose. I did discover Springfield has a running club that meets every Saturday morning. I need to get out for that sometime. It would be nice to find some like-minded people in this town. I ran 5.6 without stopping today on a route that has some pretty serious hills, so I am feeling good. Need to find a race to get into and see what I can really do.

I have heard some grumbling the past few days about not getting a day off for Easter. Well I do get a day off, but I like to think that I get Friday off because it is Good Friday. It is one of the most important days of the year for two simple reasons. Jesus had to die to rise, but He didn't have to die. I think that second fact can be lost in the shuffle for some people. Don't be one of those people! Celebrate for the right reasons then put yourself in a sugar coma.

"You were this colossus. You were this great legendary thing, and yet he gains."

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