Monday, May 14, 2012


    I just paid off my Best Buy credit card. I now own my television. In fact, I am the undisputed owner of everything in my living room. All three things. Except The Hunger Games. That is borrowed.
    I finished those books this weekend. The first two are good, the third, not so much. I feel like the scope of the story grew beyond the writing abilities of the author. Which is very sad because she really had something going there and it just didn't live up to its own build up. I am not saying it is a bad story. I did enjoy reading it, but it could have been better. I am willing to bet this is one time I will like the movie better than the book. I am pretty bummed about the whole thing actually. What a terrible waste of a story. Just stop after the first two books and make up a decent ending for yourself.
    I got glasses for the first time in years this week. They are nice when my contacts are bothering me, but they are not a full time thing. I almost knocked myself out getting into my car the first time I wore them because I am not used to only being able to see clearly in the center of my vision. My head still hurts and this was Friday. The lenses do weird things to my vision. I think it is because they are cheap impact resistant lenses and not any fancy material. When I look at things through the sides of the lenses, the colors are separated. Like if I look at something orange on my screen, there is a yellow line down one side and a red line down the other. It is not just things on a screen either. Pretty interesting. Unlike how this blog post is getting. Read the Hunger Games, they are not so bad. I just had a favorite character and didn't like what happened to them. I'll get over it.

"There's only one God ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that."

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