Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gear Grinding

    A new lady started at work this week. Her name is Lucinda Rice. Me and Adam (another of the project managers) had a discussion about that name. Before we had any idea who this person was, we decided that she was most likely an old black lady. Don't even try to pretend that you don't think that sounds like a name an old black lady would have. Turns out she is not black and she is not old. We did not take into account the fact that she would go by Lucy. I hope she never finds out that we have discussions like this. It reminds me of the times Katie and I would play hot-or-not over instant message about people who were in the room. Its awkward when they find out.

    Remember when people posted things on Facebook that were fun? I barely do. Facebook status updates used to be about cool things like "Party at the lake this weekend! 'Bout to get my drink on!" These days every status is something like "Go Obama! I wish he was my dad!" (wake up people, its an election year. everything he does is to appease the most people and try to get reelected.) or "Two thirds of North Carolina is dumb." It is really annoying. I realized today that I have actually started to avoid Facebook. It sucks. I don't care about your political views or if you support someone or think everyone is morons. Just can it!

    Has anyone seen this video of the girl tripping during the steeplechase and flipping into the water? Its hilarious. Normally I would leave you with that, but I went for a run yesterday and had nothing better to do than think, so I came up with this tidbit. The girl said she had no recollection of the moment it happened. As far as her memory goes, she was running up to the obstacle, then she was coming up out of the water. I find this very interesting. You hear about this sort of thing happening quite a bit. Something intense and unexpected happens and the person involved barely remembers any of it. My hypothesis is this: during these moments, i.e. flipping into a pool of water when you are supposed to be running a race, the brain is firing so fast in so many directions trying to asses and rectify the situation that it has zero capability left over to file thoughts away as memories. This is my take on it and I bet I am right. If you don't believe me, I will shove you down a flight of stairs while you are not paying attention and see how much you remember.

"Please tell me nobody kissed me."

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