This is my one hundredth post. To any of you who have read them all, I am sorry.
Gas prices are the biggest sham in the modern world. I do not believe for one second that they are driven by anything other than blind greed. Last week the price of gas at one filling station I drive by was 3.78 one day, 3.54 the next, and 3.81 the day after that. I would just love to hear the explanation on that one.
Questioner: "So mister gas price analysis expert, what's up with the huge swing south followed immediately by a conveniently bigger swing north?"
Gas Price Analysis Expert: "Well, uh, gas prices were just about to plummet with increasing supply and decreasing demand, but uh, well um...someone sneezed. Yeah, that's it, they sneezed on the control panel and the WHOLE plant had to shut down for five minutes while they cleaned the control panel. No one wants to get a cold right? Well that short down time had one of those things, like, you know like a butterfly affect. I think I heard that was a real thing in a movie one time. Well that butterfly really messed up everything so now prices are back up. Don't expect them to drop any time soon ether. That butterfly was a nasty bugger."
Questioner: "Riggghhhhtttttttt..."
That is how I imagine someone has justified it. I am going to buy a solar powered scooter.
"She's got things that belong to me too! If you think you're alone in this you're crazy."
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