Friday, February 24, 2012


Some people say I don't have my priorities straight. To them I say: what priorities? Buying two cars before moving out of the house? Someone is leaking jealousy. Why would I move out when I can buy cool stuff instead?

(side note. I just saw a commercial for a small electronic device that doesn't know if it is a phone or a tablet. I am pretty sure that means it is useless.)

Perhaps someday I will do things like save and be lame. I mean what is the reason for saving? Right, so that you can buy things later. I just skip the middle. In the mean time, I can't wait for spring. My second biggest bill each month goes toward paying for something that is sitting in a barn in rural Ohio. I think this is the part of the blog my sister says is sad. But it will be spring soon! I'm so excited! Baseball and convertibles! Boo ya grandma!

There is jack-nothing on TV tonight. Good thing I have this blog to write.

"If no one ever ate anything they had never tried before, the only thing they would ever eat is...milk"


  1. Woo! shout out in the first week! Where do you get those silly quotes at the end?

  2. They are all either attributed to Einstein or I made them up.
